Certificates of Deposit

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Stay in full control as you get closer to your financial goal

We offer a variety of CD terms. So you can invest on your terms.

Have some money you don't need right away? A Berkshire Bank Certificate of Deposit is a safe and rewarding way to reach your financial goals. No matter how long you decide to invest for, you can rest assured that your investment is secure, your money will grow, and that you've made a smart move.

  • Choose from investments ranging from 3 months to 5 years
  • Earn competitive rates that generally exceed those of regular savings accounts
  • Guaranteed returns mean you know exactly how much you'll have when your CD reaches maturity
  • Make additional deposits (minimum of $250) to CDs with terms greater than 3 months
  • If an account has an original maturity date of 18 months or more, unlimited deposits can be made during the first 6 months. If the account had an original maturity date of less than 18 months, but more than 3 months, one deposit can be made during the first 6 months.
  • CDs included as part of your combined statement with your other deposit and loan accounts
  • Access account information 24 hours a day with Telephone Banking
  • Automatically transfer CD interest earned to another account

6 Month Smart Money CD

  • Gives you access to your money even as it earns exceptional interest
  • You're free to make one penalty-free withdrawal during the six-month term

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